一些触动心灵的英文短句女生版 愿你有前进一寸的勇气

我要投稿 3558 条评论 156 2021-10-01 06:58:32


Born with pride and ambition , but also leave it in the bottom of my heart .


How much dedication lost to the time , how much tears flow through the youth .


Don’t tell secret to the wind , the wind will blow through the forest .


Dance years ,stole many memories .


Don’t lose hope , you never know what tomorrow will bring .


Don't be stupid enough to judge a relationship by the length of time you know it.  


I wish I didn't care when I didn't care.


I like this sentence very much: "may you have the courage to move forward an inch, but also have the ease to retreat a foot."  


Life to this person, not easy, love each other to old, not greasy.

一些触动心灵的英文短句女生版 愿你有前进一寸的勇气1


You have to try to go your own way and enjoy your own time.


Lonely to the deep, lonely became the armor.

相信自己 一定会有辉煌的一天。

Believe that you will have a brilliant day.


A good laugh and a long sleep are the two best cures for anything .


Only if you ask , my answer will always be yes .


If a person really misses you,he will come to you,no exception.


Happiness is the precipitation of time,smile is the lonely sorrow.

一些触动心灵的英文短句女生版 愿你有前进一寸的勇气2


It's the rule of life that everything you have always wanted comes the very second you stop looking for it. 


For everything you have missed, you have gained something else, and for everything you gain, you lose something else.


Many people refuse to love anything because they are afraid to lose what they could love。


You couldn’t see my tears cause I am in the water.” Fish said to water.“But I could feel your tears cause you are in my heart.” Answered water。


Everyone gets tired.No one can take the pain for you. You have to go through it and grow up. 


When someone loves you, they don't have to say it. You can tell by the way they treat you. 

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